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January, 2012

Taste of Their Own Medicine

Google's sponsored post campaign for Chrome backfires due to credibility issues.
This one's pretty hilarious. Google ran a sponsored post campaign for Google Chrome and in turn forget to make sure that the links included in the posts didn't pass credibility. I've been really annoyed with this policy from Google for a long time and I'm happy to see them screw up. Like Search Engine Land wrote, "It also raises the serious question that if Google can’t keep track of its own rules, what hope is there that third parties are supposed to figure it all out?" Google has forced webmasters to be responsible for something that their algorithm should be able to figure out. I know that's hard/impossible, but I thing this brings into focus how confusing the policy really is. A search for "browser" in Google doesn't show Chrome on the first page.
January 4, 2012
Noah Brier | Thanks for reading. | Don't fake the funk on a nasty dunk.