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February, 2012


The complicated relationship between Google and affiliates, and how Google sees most affiliates as bugs.
Good Hacker News thread about what Web 1.0 businesses still make money. One of the answers is affiliate, but even better than the answer is this explanation of the complicated relationship between Google and affiliates: "Big Daddy G basically sees most affiliates as bugs which, if fixed, would entitle them to an extra 100%+ on the purchase at issue over what they're getting currently. This results in a frenemy dynamic because affiliates also spend $$$$$$$$ on AdWords." That's the trouble with Google, whether they like to admit it or not, they're in competition with many of their biggest customers and like to pretend they're not.
February 12, 2012
Noah Brier | Thanks for reading. | Don't fake the funk on a nasty dunk.