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March, 2012

NFL Solidarity and Bounties

Debate over the Saints bounty story and its implications on NFL player solidarity.
If you're a football fan (American that is), you've been following the bounty story about how the Saints were paying out when one player injured an opposing player. Anyway, I've been paying attention to the debate with moderate interesting, but I really liked this point about the whole debate from my friend Jeff over at Da Bears Blog:
Here is my big problem with the Saints bounty story. A year ago, during labor negotiations, the players preached solidarity. They preached they were a single organism and ownership was out to limit to their economic intake during their short-term NFL tenures. They were against the 18-game schedule for health reasons and never allowed the issue to be put on the table. They are still against rigid HGH testing and many believe it is because players depend on HGH for muscle regeneration. (Being that football is just 300-pound guys hitting each other repeatedly, I get it.) Now we find out that 1 of the 32 teams was benefitting economically from sending players to the sideline. Not just quarterbacks, either. This was tight ends and linemen and backups. Guys who play less than five years on average in the league. If you knocked ANY player out of a game, you were worthy of a bonus. I don't get on the moral high horse with these types of issues. But if the Bears had done this I would be incredibly embarrassed.
March 6, 2012
Noah Brier | Thanks for reading. | Don't fake the funk on a nasty dunk.