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March, 2012

Talking About Brands and Content

The shift in creating content for brands in a real-time environment.
I'm doing this "virtual panel" about content over at the new FastCo Create site. The first round is up (I'll update this post as it goes up) and here's a quick excerpt from my answer about what brands need to know about content:
I’m not actually sure that creating editorial content is all that different than creating promotional content, at least on a high level. Advertising is a process of combining brand outputs (look, feel, voice) with cultural inputs (insights, trends, etc.) and creating a piece of communication. The shift I see taking place is that the traditional processes around creating content for a world of campaigns break-down in a real-time content creation environment: Brands and agencies aren’t currently set up to consume culture as it happens, which is what media organizations do. I think this is a big shift we’ll start to see inside brands over the coming years. It’s not that they’ll try to model themselves on media organizations, but rather, they’re going to rearrange themselves around real-time consumption of content, data, analytics and anything else they can get their hands on to help make decision and communicate better.
March 6, 2012
Noah Brier | Thanks for reading. | Don't fake the funk on a nasty dunk.