You have arrived at the web home of Noah Brier. This is mostly an archive of over a decade of blogging and other writing. You can read more about me or get in touch. If you want more recent writing of mine, most of that is at my BrXnd marketing x AI newsletter and Why Is This Interesting?, a daily email for the intellectually omnivorous.

October, 2004

Searching for Zubaz (or Zoomba)

I check my usage statistics on the site fairly obsessively. I like to keep on top of how many visitors I'm getting and more importantly where I'm getting referrals. It's a good way for me to get some idea of how many people the site is reaching (and just part of a certain general obsessive nature of mine). One of the things that shows up on the usage statistics is the popularity of different search terms on the site (this is using my search box, not Google's). This gives me an interesting picture of what people are looking for on the site when they get here and what's been jumping out is just how many people are looking for information on Zubaz (the tiger print football pants I wrote about in a post aptly titled "Tiger Print Football Pants"). Although they are really called Zubaz, the most popular search on NoahBrier.com is for 'zoomba pants,' the name I thought they had when I was searching for the real name (this term accounts for over 22 percent of total searches on the site). On top of this, the "Tiger Print Football Pants" entry is the most popular entry page, which leads me to believe that a majority of my Google referrals are for people looking for information on the pants whose name I could remember and the answer I couldn't find on Google. For those who don't remember the post, or don't care to click through, here's what I wrote:
Today I was trying to remember the name of the bad 80's fashion that put tiger print stripes in the color of your favorite football team onto a pair of parachute-like pants. When I did a Google search for the terms 'tiger,' 'print,' 'football' and 'pants' I didn't come up with any relevant results. In order to remedy this for the next person that might be interested in the topic I have decided to put all those words into one entry so hopefully they'll be able to get right to the answer. (I'll throw in 'bad 80s fashion,' just in case that's in the search. While I'm at it let me add 'zoomba,' which one person told me they were called and 'ugly,' which they were.)
What I've also noticed is a number of people who have searched the site for 'bears zubaz,' because I mentioned an eBay interview. All of this made me decide to do a little experiment in search engine optimization (SEO). I'm curious what will happen if I include all the terms from the original post but include this time the names of all 32 teams in the NFL (which I'm writing from memory, if that earns me extra points).

New England Patriots, Buffalo Bills, New York Jets, Miami Dolphins, Cincinnati Bengals, Cleveland Browns, Pittsburgh Steelers, Baltimore Ravens, Indianapolis Colts, Jacksonville Jaguars, Tennessee Titans, Houston Texans, Kansas City Chiefs, Oakland Raiders, Denver Broncos, San Diego Chargers, New York Giants, Washington Redskins, Philadelphia Eagles, Dallas Cowboys, Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Atlanta Falcons, New Orleans Saints, Carolina Panthers, St. Louis Rams, Arizona Cardinals, San Francisco 49ers, Seattle Seahawks, Minnesota Vikings, Detroit Lions and everyone's favorite Chicago Bears. (I purposely left one team off the list because I'd prefer if fans from a certain cheese nation stayed out of here.)

Anyway, thanks for bearing with me and I'll let you know what comes of all this. If you did come from Google and you're reading this message, do me a favor and leave me a comment and let me know what you searched for or email me at nb@noahbrier.com. (Let me also add the terms zoombas, zoombaz and zubas to this post.)

For those actually looking for Zubaz, let me redirect your search to eBay. Sorry for inconvenience and I hope you have a nice day.

For those regular readers (or just those interested) who have made it all the way to the bottom of this entry, can I recommend checking out the comments on my “Youth Evolving Online� post, an interesting dialogue developed that even my mother jumped in on.

October 19, 2004
Noah Brier | Thanks for reading. | Don't fake the funk on a nasty dunk.