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December, 2008

What's Going on in Detroit?

A really solid (and long) profile of Detroit from the Weekly Standard. The city's numbers are astounding: 10k unsolved murders since 1960, no new textbooks for schools in 19 years, 24.9 percent graduation rate, 60k vacant dwellings and, of course, an 0 and 16 football team. It goes beyond the numbers, though, also doing a bit of a profile on journalist Charlie LeDuff who sounds like quite an interesting fellow (I've got the Slaughterhouse piece he won a Pullitzer for waiting to be read). Part of what struck me in reading this was thinking about how much it sounded like the Baltimore depicted in the Wire (of which I'm now on Season 5).
December 31, 2008
Noah Brier | Thanks for reading. | Don't fake the funk on a nasty dunk.