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July, 2005

A Clockwork Chicken

A while ago I pointed to this AM New York article about an Oklahoma senator wanting to give rooster's boxing gloves for cockfights. Well, I happened to have picked up an AM New York article last night and ran across this front page article:
Bad chickens that are veterans of the cockfighting ring can now be rehabilitated, reports the Wall Street Journal. More than 200 birds are currently living at the Eastern Shore Chicken Sanctuary in Maryland, where they receive psychological treatment to make them less violent. Most cockfighting survivors are too violent, and have to be killed. But thanks to the Sanctuary, they can have peaceful lives.
What a nice story. I'm glad AM New York has such a think for cockfights. Gotta wonder what Tom Cruise would have to say about rooster psychologists.
July 20, 2005
Noah Brier | Thanks for reading. | Don't fake the funk on a nasty dunk.