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November, 2009

Corpse Spam

Spammers in World of Warcraft use dead bodies to spell out URLs for gold-selling websites.
File Under: Spammers are really smart (and funny). So apparently in World of Warcraft you can't spam people with commercial messages or you get kicked off. However, there is a lot of money in selling gold to players and there are a bunch of sites that competing to sell it to you. So their solution, as Seamus at Virtual Economics explains is to arrange a bunch of dead bodies in the game to spell out their URL:
Go to any major city (Stormwind, Orgrimmar) and you'll see the name of some gold-selling website or other spelled out in dead bodies on the ground. Now, it's quite hard to spell out URLs in dead bodies (it takes several corpses, hence player accounts that you have to hack from somewhere - to spell out each one) so the big trick is to get a URL that is short, ideally memorable and above all easy to spell out in the dead bodies of WoW avatars.
November 15, 2009
Noah Brier | Thanks for reading. | Don't fake the funk on a nasty dunk.