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February, 2012

Big Data

Facebook's massive study reveals the impact of weak ties on information consumption.
Facebook did a big study on how we find information and, not entirely surprisingly, our weak ties tend to give us stuff we wouldn't otherwise run across. Nothing really shocking there, but, as Slate notes, the scale of the study was:
The other crucial thing about this study is that it is almost unthinkably enormous. At the time of the experiment, there were 500 million active users on Facebook. Bakshy’s experiment included 253 million of them and more than 75 million shared URLs, meaning that in total, the study observed nearly 1.2 billion instances in which someone was or was not presented with a certain link. This scale is unheard of in academic sociological studies, which usually involve hundreds or, at most, thousands of people communicating in ways that are far less trackable.
February 6, 2012
Noah Brier | Thanks for reading. | Don't fake the funk on a nasty dunk.