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December, 2012

The Evolution of Words

The evolution of dictionaries and language mirrors the growth of scientific method and Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution.
I really enjoyed this FT review of a few books on the origin of words and misspellings. Especially interesting was this note on how dictionaries came to represent current language:
Why did the editors of Webster’s Third drop this lexicographic A-bomb (another addition to the dictionary)? Because views on dictionaries, indeed on language itself, had changed. Instead of laying down rules on how people should write and speak, dictionaries became records of how people did write and speak. And that meant all the people, not just those who spoke the educated language of New England. The new trends in lexicography went along with the growth of scientific method and Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution: lexicographers observed what was happening to the language, rather than handing down precepts. 
December 23, 2012
Noah Brier | Thanks for reading. | Don't fake the funk on a nasty dunk.