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March, 2012

What can designers bring to organizations?

The importance of broad-minded designers with solid structural sensibilities for organizational success.
I love this answer from Poke founder Nik Roope on what designers can bring to organizations:
Businesses are built on concepts. Ideas structured to extract or create value in some way. These ideas, famously penned on napkins (although more likely Evernote theses days) are by their nature abstract and intellectual. “Design” takes a central role in the step from the intellectual to the manifest and when the process is working this isn’t a verbatim translation, it’s an active process that structures, orders, tunes the components into a compelling working system. Broad-minded designers with solid structural sensibilities are thus critical for success.
[via @domgoodrum]
March 19, 2012
Noah Brier | Thanks for reading. | Don't fake the funk on a nasty dunk.